The most wholesome "programming language"

by Laura Pircalaboiu and Ricardo Vogel
Python compiler by Jonathan Dönszelmann

Run heartf❤️ck

Convert text to Heartf❤️ck

Brainfuck to Heartf❤️ck

Discord tags to Heartf❤️ck

Heartf❤️ck to brainfuck

About Heartf❤️ck

Heartf❤️ck is the most wholesome programming language you never knew you needed! It is based on Brainfuck, except all the characters are hearts. On our GitHub repository we provide a Heartfu❤️k compiler written in Python. If you have any questions about the language do not hesitate to contact us on Twitter!

Heartf❤️ck Brainfuck Purpose
💗 > increment the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the right).
💜 < decrement the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the left).
💖 + increment (increase by one) the byte at the data pointer.
❤️ - decrement (decrease by one) the byte at the data pointer.
💌 . output the byte at the data pointer.
❣️ , accept one byte of input, storing its value in the byte at the data pointer.
💛 [ if the byte at the data pointer is zero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it forward to the command after the 💙 command.
💙 ] if the byte at the data pointer is nonzero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward to the next command, jump it back to the command after the matching 💛 command.
Heartfuck is © 2019 Laura Pircalaboiu and Ricardo Vogel under the MIT License. More information can be found here.